Park Lodge 79 Hackney Road Hackney, Adeleide, South Australia, Australia 5069

Changing our negative circumstances – owning our tomorrows!

Equal value – partners appreciating and honouring and respecting and caring for each other. It starts maybe with how we feel about ourselves. We all carry baggage of various depths and severity from our childhood onwards – how we were treated, how we coped, the mechanisms we employed to survive. We live with expectations, and…

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Managing / Leading employees, one or many

There is no doubt that working to help employees be the best they can be is the premium opportunity of business. Perhaps the premium deficiency in ‘management’ is over-management and micromanagement. I address some of that here. Some golden rules The need to be friendly with employees BUT not too friendly. The need to immediately…

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Addiction – where do we start to solve the unwanted addictions?

Addiction. When we think of addiction we most often think of smoking or alcohol or even drinking Coca-Cola or Ice coffee. We think of course about drugs meth etc but when you think about it, addiction also applies to the way we behave, the way we think, and our assumptions. We are addicted to our…

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Strategic Thinking Tools

There are many tools that can help break away from fixed thinking,  the negative impact of paradigms on new thinking,  the negative effect of group and pre-emptive thinking  abundant in Command and Control negative environments.  The topics below are selected at random as somewhere to start. It could be argued that there is no specific…

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Achieving a culture that allows people to think and contribute effectively

Meeting maybe the biggest Leadership challenge of not only this decade or century but potentially all time is the ability to work on The ability for leaders to listen The ability for leaders to ‘really’ share decision making The ability of those under management to find ways to break through The belief that people under…

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For businesses to realise their full potential, they need their people at their full potential.

Definitions-Contrarian: A person who takes an opposing view, especially one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters www.dictioary.com A contrarian is defined as a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion. Despite most people conforming to social norms simply out of laziness to go against the grain if anything else, some people remain resistant, developing…

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