Park Lodge 79 Hackney Road Hackney, Adeleide, South Australia, Australia 5069

Behaviours – those within our choice and those somewhat outside – avoid easy judgements

Sociopaths and psychopaths – words we hear, easy to generalise and make assumptions about without much or any real knowledge to go on – BUT potentially negative pre-conclusions? Both display challenging behaviours but differ significantly: sociopaths tend to be impulsive and struggle to form stable relationships due to their volatile nature, while psychopaths, known for…

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There is no doubt, women add to decision making, thinking generally

As a management consultant, coach and mentor of 45 years, a corporate manager before that and a business owner – I know this to be true. Group-think and preemptive-think exist less in these environments; there is again, no doubt that these two types of ‘non-thinking’ are real cancers in the majority of businesses, right through…

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Anti-Bullying – solutions / bullied and bully (so called)

I have migrated my efforts from my previous websites dealing with this topic to this, which is now my main site. If you are experiencing bullying? If you are responsible for people bullying? If you are being counselled because someone thinks you are bullying? Reach out to me and let’s talk! My experience is that…

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Thinking leads to language and too often to disconnection

Thinking leads to language. Language, presupposes others’ thinking, thinkings that ‘one’ needs to learn from that language. That can overpower new thinking and almost make it redundant, especially if the thinker is powerful. The thinker, thinking that they are the solution; that thinker, often being the ‘boss’, overlooking that their real job is to be…

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Networking – do it right or don’t waste your time.

Networking that works. Check the network is within your target market. Have a genuine desire to learn about others. Ask questions, listen and ask about what they said. Then listen again and ask again. This will ensure the other person is interested – they are talking about themselves and you are listening. Don’t add onto…

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Changing our negative circumstances – owning our tomorrows!

Equal value – partners appreciating and honouring and respecting and caring for each other. It starts maybe with how we feel about ourselves. We all carry baggage of various depths and severity from our childhood onwards – how we were treated, how we coped, the mechanisms we employed to survive. We live with expectations, and…

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Managing / Leading employees, one or many

There is no doubt that working to help employees be the best they can be is the premium opportunity of business. Perhaps the premium deficiency in ‘management’ is over-management and micromanagement. I address some of that here. Some golden rules The need to be friendly with employees BUT not too friendly. The need to immediately…

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