These courses certainly help with keeping people and communities connected.. lifting morale, while assisting them in the long run with their professional growth and development. This is our way of being Here for the good of South Australians.
Torrens University Australia (TUA) Short Courses are online, self-contained, self-paced learning modules of 1-2 hours duration, featuring industry leaders.
On behalf of the University we would like to offer these programs free of any charges to ‘colourthinking’ & ‘LeadershipThinking.Academy’ staff, clients and special partners, until December 31st, 2020.
What does it look like?
Here is the link through to the platform, get an idea of the course structure, take advange of this special offer: Using CHROME is preferable
On the platform there are segments on
- People and Culture
- Marketing
- Management and Leadership
- Business & Finance
- Project Management
- Design
Those who want to take up the offer will need to register on the platform using their email and then enter a special access code to gain free access and then take as many short courses as they like
The special code (TUACOLOUR2020) will override the need for payment or credit card details.Each course will come with a Certificate of Completion from the University, which can be useful in demonstrating continuing professional development.
This code delivers to you the 100% discount:
This video shows how to sign up and apply the discount:
PLease feel free to share thiswith your team and friends – Torrens Univeristy is a quality provider, check out their other courses as well – all part of 2020 post Covid preparation for 2020-2021