Park Lodge 79 Hackney Road Hackney, Adeleide, South Australia, Australia 5069
Rex Buckingham


ABOUT REX’S BACKGROUND – After a robust corporate life, for the past 38 years I have built a private business based on positive results. I work with an organisation to support them, people of the business, to build their business. I help the people work with each other and then together we find interesting ways to build the business that sometimes means ‘de-building’ the business first. During this 37 years I have initiated several businesses as I have consulted, in the gift, security, home furnishing and recruitment industries.

I have either corporately managed, owned of consulted to just about any industry segment that you can imagine. I have written and facilitated Advanced Diploma in Management, Leadership, Business, Human Relations, Project Management, Marketing and Sales.

I have a collection of feedback and I put some (a very little of the total)here for your information.

TESTIMONIALS for Rex Buckingham, colourthinking – AntiBullying Solutions / Advocate, Leadership Thinking.Academy

General Dynamics Land Systems – Australia (GDLSA) – I had the pleasure and insight of working with Rex during the first couple of years that I was promoted to Managing Director of General Dynamics Land Systems– Australia (GDLSA). I took over responsibility for this business at a time when we had to work through the wind-down of a number of contracts, bidding of new (significant) contracts, and developing/hiring a new leadership team. These challenges were further compounded by significant decision making authority remaining with the parent business unit in North America, and myself learning to be “the” leader of the local business (as opposed to one of many leaders within the parent company).

Needless to say, there was a lot of change, challenges and uncertainty within the business, my immediate team and myself. Rex provided a combination of one-on-one coaching, team facilitation and workshops, and behind the scenes support and communication strategies. He was able to engage at every level of the business, from the apprentice in the factory to the MD. Impressively, Rex had a great knack to present counter- and alternate perspectives to a particular item, and in doing so enable me and my team to broaden our own views, and typically arrive at a better solution or plan than we would have on our own.

More importantly, Rex was able to impart this problem solving approach and leadership style through his various toolkits, workshops and coaching. I still use many of the techniques and methods learnt from Rex, and I am certainly a more effective manager and leader as a result of his coaching and facilitation.  His enthusiasm for the work he did with us, and passion he has for true change and growth in individuals, was and continues to be one of his greatest strengths.
Gary Stewart – Managing Director General Dynamics Land Systems
Nova Systems  Defence, Energy and Utilities, Communications and Transportation markets.
Previously Managing DirectorGeneral Dynamics Land Systems http://www.gdlsaustralia.comGeneral Dynamics is a global aerospace and defense company


To Whom it may concern

JHL Civil – Rex Buckingham became involved in our company in 2012 as part of an education program for the Diploma of Management.  His ability to communicate to the different personalities amongst the directors and project managers was commendable.

Rex has a rare ability to extract information and the real thoughts/feelings of the group and somehow unite individual thinking to team driven visions and goals.  Be assured that if you are looking for change in your business or life, Rex has the ability to provide you with the tools to unlock the barriers that are holding you back.

Once the Diploma of Management was completed Rex’s services continued as consultant and mentor to the management team to deal with the new vision for the company and transition change.

He offers real solutions to real problems.  Rex came into our business at a critical time in our industry where change was being forced upon us due to external factors.  Rex’s ability to assist us through this period was a pivotal point in our current success in what is an extremely tight construction market.

Our time with Rex was not only educational but also thoroughly enjoyable.  Rex has a great inspiring personality and enthusiasm for what he does.

Three years on we are still using Rex as mentor and sounding board for our future endeavours.
Regards, Tony Mau  JHL Civil Director.

To Who it May Concern,

(FaHCSIA) Rex Buckingham has previously run executive development sessions for one of the Commonwealth agencies (FaHCSIA)that subsequently became DSS in the 2013 Machinery of Government changes. Having been involved in an agency highly impacted by change, and having ridden that storm based on the principles instilled in me by colourthinking, I can honestly attest to the practical, versatile, and consistent approach colourthinking promotes. This model of communication and relationship management is a central theme to success at any level, from APS to SES. These tools present the key to engaging in positive, effective communication with both subordinates, peers, and seniors, building relationships that acknowledge individual strengths and weaknesses and find pathways to success for the whole group.

I strongly encourage the engagement of colourthinking and believe it will provide the people-focused mindset you are looking for. While it may seem then contradictory to invest yet more valuable time in communication and relationship skill development, I have personally found that the outcomes gained by the effective use of such times in fact save me time and energy in the long run.

I’m more than happy to discuss further if you would like to call me on the numbers below.

Tristan Cox – 0413586115Director – Grant Operations Support TeamDepartment of Social Services    


To whom it may concern

Rex Buckingham

I-MED Network SA/NT Rex has  been working with I-Med in South Australia over the last 2 years or so in developing the “clinic managers” from technicians to leaders / enablers. The work that Rex has implemented has been beneficial to our business.  He has enabled us to improve the management of our people.
Most people would recognise that staff engagement and commercial performance are tightly linked.  For our business to compete in a very tight market it’s important that every individual who comes to I-MED Clinic enjoys doing so.  Passion is a great motivator, Rex has given the staff the “Tools” to deal with many situations – be it with their peers or patients (clients).  We do acknowledge that we do have staff that are passionate about their work, however they needed to be given assistance to further develop their communication and management styles.  Rex was crucial in this process.
Rex delivered many workshops for management, clinical and non clinical staff. As a business we have enjoyed a marked success in clinic managers, understanding if they hold a responsible position that they receive appropriate training in interpersonal relationships, situational problem solving and handling difficult behaviors.
The training Rex provided delivered consistent quality, improved effectiveness and lower staff turn over / absenteeism.  Rex not only delivers effective management tools but also lives by them.
I have always found Rex to be approachable, open and genuinely interested in people.
Margaret Doddridge Resources Manager  I-MED Network SA/NT

To Whom it may concern

Royal Automobile Association (RAA) RE: Mr Rex Buckingham

I have known Rex for some fifteen years, during which time he has been engaged on a number of occasions by the RAA for his professional facilitation and leadership abilities. I have also maintained an ongoing professional relationship with Rex in terms of personal career guidance and mentoring.

Rex is a very intelligent, articulate, enthusiastic and persuasive leader. He delights in exploring the counter-intuitive option and encouraging others to do likewise. Having said that, his decision-making is logical and rational, taking into account many factors which most people would not have considered.

As a facilitator, Rex has an advanced ability to engage diverse points of view and to promote alignment in people’s thinking, and cohesiveness in their behaviour. He has shown himself to be extremely results-oriented and completely to live the principles which he espouses. This causes his audience (followers?) to have great faith in his integrity and to achieve more than they ever expected to. He believes passionately in the power of teams and the power of allowing individuals to break free of their mental shackles in order to achieve extraordinary team (and individual) outcomes.

Rex has always influenced those with whom he has worked (at all levels including some very senior, powerful leadership teams from large companies) to learn and grow and then, most importantly, to incorporate and model their learnings into their organisations in a sustainable way.

On reading through the criteria by which aspiring Fellows of AHRI will be judged, I have no hesitation in asserting that Rex is completely deserving of this level of recognition for the work he has done in the field of human endeavour over the majority of his working life. I cannot think of one area of the criteria into which Rex has not heavily invested his time and enthusiasm.

I have worked for more than twenty years in the Human Resources field, as a practitioner, a Psychologist, a Manager and now a General Manager in a large and diverse company (the RAA has more than 750 employees and is concerned for the interests of some 570,000 Members). I have been exposed to a great many people who espouse to have the various intellectual, leadership and facilitative qualities necessary to make real and lasting positive organisational change. Many of these have unfortunately been found wanting when put to the test. Rex is one who is truly able to demonstrate such qualities. I have no hesitation in endorsing his application to become a Fellow of AHRI, believing, as I do, that he will continue to be a contributor to this professional body, and through that, to the wider profession.
Malcolm Butcher
GM Human Resources
Royal Automobile Association of South Australia

Hi Rex

DM Plastics – I wish to congratulate you for helping develop a groundswell at work, and finding out how to work with ‘the boss’.  Also wanted to thank you for influencing me personally after last week’s meeting – ask, listen… my relationships are enjoying a new vibration, and its so rewarding.  I’m impressed, and very grateful, and excited, and well, look forward to speaking soon.

Rex’s contribution
•    experienced general management expertise which was welcomed by the team
•    boost in morale e.g. helped ‘gel’ the team, when sales were low and everyone was looking at everyone else to show leadership, and this ultimately led to a return from a slump.  This subtle change appears revolutionary for the business, and especially so if the momentum/impact is sustained.
•    preparing us to pull focus on strategic thinking for future business direction, whilst giving strong attention to what’s needed now.
Rex’s effect
•    clear thinking e.g. when sales were very low in July, he helped us get straight to work on the most tangible things that could be done right now.
•    “real-time” solutions, which the team takes on and owns themselves
•    maximising sales results in a slow period
•    I felt clearer in my thinking and in my own work and relating with the team members.  I also felt less stressed about the issues and began to relate with staff members in a more relaxed tone, knowing that someone was watching the bigger picture, and knew what we were doing and let us get on with it
•    I am more confident that the business can become a tighter ship, with the key business functions tuned up as they are supposed to be e.g. use of planning, budgeting, addressing SWOT, systems, etc.
•    committed and it feels good to trust, and ‘relax’

Rex’s benefit
•    pull’s focus with team members to the job at hand, and cuts out time spent on peripheral dialogue, therefore better ROI .e.g. in Sales/Marketing meetings, he helped to keep us on the track of the agenda, and pulled anyone up who was rambling or missing the point of a question, and also asks the questions that really needed to be asked that no-one else was asking, but from a strategic point of view, were essential to our thinking through issues and projects.
•    good at providing timely email feedback which “calls it like it is” in simple, powerful language
•    on the ball
•    captures ideas and provides summaries in helpful formats
•    honours existing business rules, all the while
•    reaches the team members individually
•    able to completely integrate with the status quo, and then fold in with a professional manner, pathways to flex business process and outcome
•    sensitive to the matter of the cost of his services, and spends his time wisely and in consultation with general manager
•    approachable and great to work with
Janet Tucker DM Plastics

Everest Colonial – I have known Rex for approximately three years during which time he has conducted training programmes with our National Sales team and more recently a leadership workshop for Production personnel.  Rex possesses a wealth of experience and in providing training, he has a unique way of delivering that information.  His programme is very interactive and communicative and clearly spells out the subject matter.

We have proven results from the sales team as their training was conducted a couple of years ago.  The recent leadership training, focusing on OH&S(bullying, discrimination) etc really had an impact.  The training session ran for five hours and the feedback was positive and welcoming.  We have continued following sessions internally to ensure the message and programme are maintained.  There has been a noticeable change in communication and relationships.

Experience has shown that half day, or 5 hours sessions work well as you can hold the participants attention and Rex is certainly great at keep people engaged and focused.

Susan Bircham HR Everest Colonial 0412101154

General comments from facilitation work Rex has undertaken.

Provided by people who have attended the many presentations, workshops, speaking engagements, courses Rex has provided – these have been selected from presentations over the last short period only.

Our client was over the moon with the training she has so much praise for you (and I reckon she would be a hard cookie to crack in a way) She was blown away by the course – she said when they started she said the girls were thinking this is going to be pretty boring.
Then she said when you got into the course you were able to add so much value to it.
She said you were funny/witty and full of great knowledge that you were able to pass on.
She said if they do other staff next year can she request Rex I said of course. But I said we would need to work out the regional staff and Rex may not be able to do that unless client pays for the travels costs.

Other comments
Our client is OK it is just the logistics of it. Well done Rex – you have won over a client.

Thank you for your kind comments regarding our work sessions, I was having a bad day a couple of weeks ago and my boss forwarded your email on to me, made my day!
I have had a conversation with your agent and she will be in Sydney in the next couple of weeks to discuss the possibility of others doing the Certificate course next year. If this comes about, would you be available to do the training for the team?
My boss has sent me an email outlining some areas of training for myself and the Territory Managers in 2017. I will make a decision and look forward to catching up next year.
If you can spare the time I would love to catch up for that Christmas drink.

Thanks for yesterday, I felt that the presentation was exactly what we needed given the recent events. This has obviously been something that has been building up over a longer period. It was good to hear your coaching in front of a group once again and in particular your understanding of the problems that cause the issues and not necessarily the actual person. This will help when addressing this behaviour in the near future. What you said all made sense and it was a wake up call to me, it reminded me of the learning’s from the management course.

Yes lets catch up soon, next week I am away Monday and Tuesday so late in the week is preferable.

Feedback from the ‘all team workshop to connect and optimise’ session was very positive and we started on reviewing 5 processes/issues as identified on the day. 

  • Scanning has been resolved
  • electronic applications is underway – we are now waiting on our supplier to confirm date of availability
  • skills analysis completed
  • reception counter height issue resolved (xxxx is returning to reception in a new role and she is happy with the height) however we are waiting on the builder to review placing a footrest there
  • file prep notes underway – changes made to the procedure of recording, trialled & successfully implemented

All in all a very successful day, thanks 

Thanks for the workshop – very interesting and I gained a lot from it!  Regards

Hi Rex, Thanks for the great session this morning, I believe that we all gained a lot of clarity. I will give you a call this week to go over a few things if that’s OK
Well, I guess you are here to stay! Welcome.
You will be pleased to hear that I put to good use some of the things I learned at your workshops.
I had a problem getting someone to volunteer to work over the long weekend. I gave the problem to one of the juniors and asked him to talk with the others and see if they could solve the problem. Could they do a flyer for the other rooms? Could they split the shift? Could they make it seem more attractive?
They got together and came up with a good plan which was readily taken up by someone at other rooms for part of the shift and the junior volunteered to do the remainder!
It worked like magic!

“Rex is very easy to communicate with and understand.  Theories projected.” “I have taken segments and tables from the content and will use them in day to day Business” “Nice new facility”
“Good sense of humour!”
“Very helpful trainer, enjoyed his classes”  “Thank you Rex!”
“Really enjoyed the course!”
“Good knowledge of the subject” “Friendly personality”

PROGRAM/UNIT:      Human Resource Management (evening program) 
FACILITATOR:    Rex Buckingham
What did you enjoy about this session/lecturer:

  • The way Rex talked about practical situations and gave practical advice to everyday situations in the workplace, which was very useful
  • A lot more interactive and more group discussion to work through the case studies
  • The directness of the information
  • Rex encouraged our input into the subject
  • Rex put interesting insight into the subject of equal opportunity
  • Different style of teaching
  • He was interesting and informative and involved the class

What improvements do you think could be made to this session/lecturer’s delivery style:

  • It was all great
  • It would be hard to say because Rex wasn’t able to prepare for this session – it would be great to have more learning opportunity for him

Please make any additional comments

  • Very engaging and informative session
  • Interesting and greatly involve

Thank you for taking the time to assist us
I passed onto Lis how great the workshop was and how I was looking forward to the next three (including no. four!!!!)

I used the ask listen ask listen ask when I had the meeting with one of my team members and it worked a treat!!!!!!
She opened up so well and is making up task sheets that will enable her to get the amount of work done that is required. I found out she has a penchant for paperwork and all things stationary as I do but we’d never shared that. She said at our next shift that she liked the way I listened to what she wanted. I don’t think I mastered the ‘can’t’ words but I’m going to do that and I’m much more aware.
I found the five people to give my positive feedback to and all reacted really well and took it as genuine feedback.
Thanks again
I’m looking forward to the next session.
As we head into the break……I am extremely pleased that I am doing the course and will definitely leave it with more skills than upon commencement.
Thanks Rex, I enjoyed yesterdays session
I very much enjoyed your presentation. I understand that part of your time there was donated. I also appreciated that we received the abridged flat out version.
Personally I felt privileged to be in the room.
I’m wrapped I’m attending the course it seems each topic we are covering Janet and I have had a need for the knowledge and thankfully having it are implementing it. Thanks again.
Another excellent class tonight. A good double dose of motivation and advice today will go a long way and was just what I needed. Thank you for your time.
I have learned so much from the tutorials and for this I thank you. You have been inspirational and informative and I can tell you that you have ignited me and motivated me to build on my business in a way that I didn’t think was possible.
I am really pleased that I attended the Diploma course because I gained so much from it, both new skills and the confidence in my ability to use those skills. I honestly feel that it would not have been the same were it not for your obvious passion about what you do as well as the other guys on the course. For this I sincerely thank you.
Once again Rex thank you for the dedication to our class, you’ve handed us a valuable experience and a wealth of knowledge and very useful tools!
It is becoming increasingly clear in much of the ideas we have looked at; that the true beauty and ingenious of it is in the simplicity. I really enjoy all of it, and it fascinates me how simple- yet effective much of the ideas are.
I think you did a fabulous job.  I have forwarded your email to our executive so they can get that email out.  Your idea is an excellent way to reinforce the message.  Perhaps we can send a motivational email every Monday
Thank you again for such a great course, reflecting again it was by far the best course I have ever been on.
I attended your conflict resolution course in May and wanted to just drop you a line to say that I was used to trying the old method of when people have problems, take each one aside separately and then work through them.

Silly old me jumped back into this old habit recently and soon found that I wasn’t getting anywhere with resolving anything and just ended up going back and forth and sometimes favouring a person.  So, I sat back and said to myself that I should remember what you taught and told us about getting everyone together and discussing it all etc.  So that is what I just did and needless to say – IT WORKED!  I got all 3 people involved and called them all into my office and said my little introduction about how I understand we are all under pressure and how we are not in the ideal situation but this is what we have got so lets work with it and then put it back to them about what we can do to resolve any issues.  And, Lo and Behold – problems were out in the open and solutions are in place and everyone knows that they are all there to help each other and it will take time but they will work on it (and I will keep an eye on it of course).  And none of it got “personal”
either which was a bonus as when one person comes to you it does get personal.
Just thought you might like to know that even though I went back into old habits, I soon took on your ideas and put them into place, and after this, I will continue to do so.
Thankyou Rex for the information . Paula and myself enjoyed the last two days and all the information is most valuable and will be used in the near future.
I’ve been meaning to drop you an email for sometime as I really got a lot of the module and realised that I’m doing some good stuff and some not so good
Thank you for your most lively and entertaining Business and Management sessions

I am very pleased with the whole week. I have had tremendous feedback from the delegates regarding the conference and program, which is a great relief. I was gathering immediate feedback from sessions throughout the week by standing outside the doors and pouncing on unsuspecting delegates for honest reactions and I only heard very good comments about all of your presentations.
 I would like to thank you for making last week a success for all involved.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your tutorial and guidance
and thank you to you – you pulled the day together very well.
We were happy with the outcomes of the day, and it’s a good start to getting things moving.
I spoke to a number of people during and after the day and likewise the feedback was very positive. Thanks Rex
I found your training session interesting and informative.  I have previously studied communication with TAFE some years ago but your presentation was refreshingly different and quite challenging, certainly
food for thought.   I would be keen to revamp and extend my knowledge in
this area. I look forward to future contact with you. I have been using many of the techniques covered with success and also have found the quotes to be imprinted in my memory.
I very much enjoyed the course – it was lots of fun and I learnt some very valuable tools I can use at both work and home.  Thanks again.
Great sessions and interaction which generated discussion points. Look forward to seeing you in the future.

Hi Rex
It is nice to hear from you.
I nearly forgot about colourthinking (however I never forget what you taught me).
I am no longer in SA
Last year I moved on to Brisbane – Queensland.
I work and live in Queensland now.
All the best for you and your team.

Greetings Rex
Many thanks for your words of encouragement, and sharing your wisdom, life skills and experience.
Appreciated and enjoyed the course.

Course on Managing Budgets and Financial Plans
What aspects of the trainer did you like most?
The breath of insight the trainer brought with real life examples.
The encouraging personality of the trainer
He challenged my thinking!
He was able to get participation from the entire class
Hi Caroline, thanks for the opportunity to attend the training course on Budgeting and Financial Management held earlier this week at Drake Training. I went to the course thinking that it was going to be two day of very dry training. Not so, within the first half an hour I was stimulated into thinking differently about the subject and found the course and the trainer extremely engaging. I cannot speak highly enough about the trainer, Rex Buckingham. He made me think differently and use my brain objectively about the subject. I came away from the course energised, excited and egger to put into practice what we were taught.
If there is any opportunity to attend a refresher course later in the year I’d be the first to put my hand up. I also think this course would suite many of my colleagues here at the centre.
PS I believe Drake have a course on PROJECT MANAGEMENT, I’d be very keen to attend one of these courses.

Dear Rex,
 A writing to express my appreciation for assisting me with my decision to enrol in the  Diploma with Business SA. As you are aware I completed the Certificate 4 in Business Management and I was initially reluctant to enrol in the Diploma course for due to my busy schedule for the year. However after consulting with you and after my promotion within the company we agreed that it would be perfect timing to complete the course.
 The course outline and introduction was explained clearly and you assisted wherever and whenever requested. I particularly enjoyed the 2 days at Warrawong and believe this allowed us to get to know one another and feel comfortable being open and honest with each other throughout the year.
 The methods you use to facilitate during sessions are second to none and I am sure the others in the Group 8 Diploma would agree. The sessions were made enjoyable and interesting and ensured everyone was involved.
I would like to thank you for assisting me in undertaking the course and wish you the very best for the future.

Hi Rex,
Firstly Tuesday 24th is fine for me. Secondly, here we go:
I was part of Diploma Group 8 for the Diploma of Business Management conducted through Business SA. I chose to undertake the course to originally further develop myself and my skills, but in particular to formalise what I thought I knew and importantly to learn what I didn’t know. This course did this. Very effectively. Whilst there was the necessary content we had to cover, it was the way in which we covered it that was most effective. I enjoyed all the various components, and found those that I was weak on particularly challenging. However, the most enjoyable part of the Diploma was how the course was delivered. Rex continually challenged us and our thinking. He forced us to look at the way we think, the language we use and ways to improve both. All very important qualities for a leader/business owner. This reflects current thinking in management.
 The Diploma represented true adult learning. It was a nice mix of theory, practical interpretation and most importantly class-participant interaction. Rex steered us through the year and encouraged us to question ‘the norm.” I’m sure a lot of what was undertaken and learnt throughout the year was taken back into the various workplaces and the same challenges/question were posed to the participants’ respective businesses – which is a good thing. I thoroughly recommend this course. Every participant will get something out of it.
Happy New Year Rex & yes putting into practice Debono’s hindsight.
Regarding the course. I had absolutely no idea as to how much work was involved and luckily that was the case as I would have missed out on this penny dropping experience. For me the content was correct as it allowed me to work on sections of my business not realised before. Course notes & hand outs were well written & not complicated.
As for the lecturer Rex Buckingham, I count myself lucky to have been given his guidance. He is charismatic to say the least, witty, well spoken & and can deliver his sermon with exacting clarity. Teaching is this man’s gift and it would be a tragedy to lose his expertise.
now that I have had a taste of adult learning, it is here that my journey begins. To fill his boots will be an arduous task.

Hi Rex,
 I recommend you and the great opportunity that your Diploma course offers.
 I completed the Diploma of Business Management with Rex Buckingham.
The Diploma course covered a wide range of areas of business that had direct relevance to our business and the learning continues to support me in my role as Operations Manager.

I found the focus on the Leadership within business one of the greatest benefits of the course, the skills and knowledge developed during and after the course allow me to lead staff and develop systems to benefit our business.
 Learning with Rex was more about ‘How can’ than ‘How to’. The focus on learning was applied directly to our business and how to maximise the benefits that each module could offer, along with gaining the most out of staff in the process.

The Diploma course with Rex was a thoroughly enjoyable experience developing business, leadership and life skills in relaxed approach.
While the course represented a commitment to time and hard work, the result was well worth the investment.

Hi Rex
I must admit that I went into the Diploma with low expectations. I assumed that it would be a dull and dry affair based around numbers, processes and procedures. To my surprise this was far from the case.
Rex presented the course from an angle of interpersonal skills and relationships. I found this style both refreshing and interesting.
This helped to make the course work more relevant to my day to day business life and thus maintained my interest in the course throughout the year. His teaching style promotes learning and development in an open forum. I would have no hesitation in attending any course taught by Rex in the future.
 Diploma of Business Management (BSB50401)
 I completed my Diploma; it was one of the first diploma courses run by Business SA in the country area of Mt. Gambier. The course started with 11 people which I believe 8 successfully completed.

The course was very beneficial for me and our business, by far the one Lecturer that held the course together and had the most impact on me, and I believe the others in the course were Rex Buckingham. Rex has the ability to make you challenge your own thoughts, actions and management methods, to think outside the square and at the same time believe in yourself and be comfortable with the process.
 Since the completion of the course I have started to use Rex as a training provider for our in-house line management training, while it is early days I am extremely pleased with the feed back I am receiving from the managers who have attended the training.
 I would have no hesitation in recommending Rex Buckingham to run a Diploma course.

To whom it may concern:
During my employment at  I have been fortunate to have Rex Buckingham as lecturer for Certificate IV in Frontline Management and Diploma in Business Management.  I successfully completed both courses and found Rex to be an excellent lecturer/facilitator/mentor.

I believe the opportunities presented to me during the past 4 years can be largely attributed to the skills and knowledge gained from these courses and the Diploma in particular.  Rex always provided a learning environment that enabled me to progress further than I thought possible.  I have recommended the Diploma course based on my experience and would continue to do so to others should the opportunity arise for Rex to deliver the course again. 
Yours Sincerely, 

Testimonial – Rex Buckingham

We recently engaged Rex Buckingham as one of two speakers to present to our group of Master Electrician Members at a Branch Meeting Event. We choose Rex for a number of reasons, the main being for his known ability to engage with an audience and express his message clearly, and he did not disappoint!

He spoke broadly about the importance of engaging with staff to increase productivity, the perpetual and damaging effect of bullying in the workplace, the importance of clear communication and definition of roles and being clear about your expectations. The topic was thought provoking and relevant for all our guests and the discussion was perfect for this type of forum.

His underlying message ‘if nothing changes, things do change, they get worse!’, implementing change, no matter how small, can make a large impact, and that people will live up or down to our expectations.

Rex’s interactive presentation was well received by our audience and we had nothing but extremely positive feedback from our guests. We would highly recommend Rex for Motivational and Guest Speaking, he has a unique approach and is always challenging the generic thought pattern. We look forward to staying connected with Rex in the future.


Liz Humphrys-Glynn

THG Electrical