Park Lodge 79 Hackney Road Hackney, Adeleide, South Australia, Australia 5069

Succession planning – personal & business

Succession. The need to look ahead and define a structure to replace current leadership is imperative. This applies as much in the home as in business. If the business is a family business, then even more so. Very often ‘leadership’ just comes about through circumstance or last-minute plans, if they can be called that –…

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Managing / Leading employees, one or many

There is no doubt that working to help employees be the best they can be is the premium opportunity of business. Perhaps the premium deficiency in ‘management’ is over-management and micromanagement. I address some of that here. Some golden rules The need to be friendly with employees BUT not too friendly. The need to immediately…

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Strategic Thinking Tools

There are many tools that can help break away from fixed thinking,  the negative impact of paradigms on new thinking,  the negative effect of group and pre-emptive thinking  abundant in Command and Control negative environments.  The topics below are selected at random as somewhere to start. It could be argued that there is no specific…

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Achieving a culture that allows people to think and contribute effectively

Meeting maybe the biggest Leadership challenge of not only this decade or century but potentially all time is the ability to work on The ability for leaders to listen The ability for leaders to ‘really’ share decision making The ability of those under management to find ways to break through The belief that people under…

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Trade or war, war or trade – China & Australia and the world!

Destined for War, Can America and the China escape the ‘Thucydides’ trap*? Graham Allison. An informative and chilling read, somewhat summarised as early as page 24/364 in “China is sucking the Southeast Asian countries into their economic system because of the vast market and growing purchasing power. Japan and South Korea will inevitably be sucked…

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Skills Matrix /Performance Management

Skills Matrix /performance management– Skills Matrix – this is about dissecting a job position into categories and tasks, then using various evaluation methods, painting a picture of competence as to each of the processes within a task. This enables more effective delegation and much more effective performance review and general recognition of a person’s worth….

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