Addiction – Who I am today need be nothing like who I was, or who others said I was.
Who I am tomorrow will be a collection of who I was, who others saw me as and interacted as if I was, who I can determine I would like to be, not want to be. And, all of this then depends on the actions I can conceive to identify what I need to think and do differently. The benefits to me of change, the disbenefits of no change; feedback from others as I move through the process will be my driver. I will live up to or, down to my expectations – others will interact with me, up to or down to their expectations of me. In the end, I must be my own person, if only I can pinpoint what that should be, for me, today.
DevelopThroughLeadershipThinking (www.LeadershipThinking.Academy) as written to help in this discovery, this journey!